Our Political Demands
Our Political Demands
- We demand our rights like any other federal democratic organization in Burma.
- We demand present military administration in Burma to stop their sham national convention in which participate 12 members of the people elected representatives but most are their handpicked puppets.
- We demand state peace and development counsel (SPDC) to find a way with national league for democracy (NLD) committee of the representative of the people parliament (CRPP), delegations from other elected won parties and ethnic representatives from each community to have a peaceful solution over disputed and present political deadlock.
- We demand to stop the sort of discrimination and divide and rule policy at ethnic areas, abhor killing and genocides, and stop the detention of politicians and innocent people with many fault allegations all over the country.
- We demand to end the confiscation of properties from the people and remove all other restrictions such as on traveling, religions, marriages, and education which are causes of the people to flee the nations.
- We demand military government to respect the 1947 constitution which is based on the Pinlong agreement among Gen. Aung San and many ethnic leaders, and all other decision made by ethnic communities during the democracy administration before Gen Ne Win. In addition we even demand them to respect and reunite the people's desire through 1990's general election after allowing them to serve the people and the nation.
- We demand SPDC to deform such unnecessary bodies as "Union Solodarity and Development Association (USDA)" and "Swan Arr Shon" which causing unwanted tensions among the people (or) for the stability of the state.